Friday, February 27, 2009

Recovery Plan passed, now for the Budget-Listen up Elitist

While we may listen to those ,rich,media controlling elitist whine and complain because starting in 2011 their tax rate(those folks making more than 1/4 million $ a year) will go back to the old tax rates from 10 years ago,we don't have to fall for that trick.
How about we do some straight talk to them as well as our neighbors ,blogs , the media and anyone else who will listen ?

Okay so listen us those of you making income of 1/4 million $ or more...
You are NOT receiving a tax increase.....for the last 10 years you have gotten
a free tax break.
You have been allowed to make all you wish and still pay at
old tax rates ,thanks to Ronald Reagan...well these tax rates are scheduled to expire in 2011 and we will let them expire,as was always planned .
So why try blaming President Obama and the new Budget outline? This is the usual trick you like to play , "Oh,woe is me with my rich self what shall I do with all the money I made while the economy appeared strong and I was not paying my fair share ? How could anyone expect me to pay what I actually owe? "
Well , you should be paying fairly the media may provide you and the Republicans with air time to for this tripe but I don't have any time for that sad song.
At first I wanted to know why wait until 2011 ? Why not roll back those tax cuts now, so you can add a few billion in taxes to our reduce the deficit starting this year?
Then I shook myself and realized ,President Obama knows what he is doing and doesn't need me or you second guessing him. He was elected because of his intelligence,vision and fresh ideas including affordable health care for us all , so let's help him to succeed.
At some point it should be realized that we are all in the same boat, some are rowing and pitching in with all our might while some of you are shirking and standing up rocking the boat "For philosophical " reasons which don't matter a hill of beans while we are in this mess. Your philosophy got us in this mess while you made millions now it is time for you to pay your fair share.
Bobby Jindal and others are making a huge mistake by trying to punish the people in their states who need assitance most by biting the hand trying to feed them. Wonder why any politician even the mis-guided Republicans can believe that all those unemployed contituents who need those extended unemployment benefits will appreciate them saying no , go hungry. Using the flimsy excuse tha taking this assistance "could" ,"might", possible cost the states money at some point in the future. How about worrying about the people depending on you for help NOW! How about worrying about your own responibilities to your home states ahead of your own political future? Or better yet and here is something you might understand,starving people have long memories and you will have a hard time getting elected as dog catcher after serving them that famous "Let 'em each cake " attitude toward the suffering and their families.
What can we do ?
  1. Well, raise your voice in support of the new direction our President's Budget outling taked toward a Country taking better care of its fiscal responsiblities?
  2. Start by mentioning the honesty of this budget where for the first time in decades it actually shows true $$ amounts for military spending.
  3. Continue by explaining why it will help pull us out of recession/depression by finally attacking the overwhelming health care issues effecting us all.Did you know the huge % of money spent on preventable illnesses, as well as , the % of $ allocted to healthcare by small businesses and still it is usually partial coverage at best. Extending Cobra benefits with this huge % of the population unemployed and without health care only makes since.
  4. Tell them why the additional funds allocated for assistance to our Military returning home from war , who have more than earned continuing health care, education benefits and yes clean ,safe housing.We owe them that for their sacrifice.

I truly believe with enough of us chiming in on behalf of the full agenda of President Obama we can make a difference. Just like during the early days of the election process when we were told he didn't stand a chance . We knew better! We could see that he is blessed with the attributes which make him the man for this particular time in our Nation's history! He can do it with our help. Let us all pitch in ,every drop of water into a bucket helps to fill it, and yes, this blog is only another little drop but you can add your drop and keep them coming. It is appreciated. Please click on the link below to see what else you can do.Read all about it , gain information and insight , see how you can help .

How about dropping a line here on the blog ? We encourage you to join the conversation so we can hear your point of view. Write us please ,this is your blog so let us hear from you .

Monday, February 9, 2009



We celebrate Black History Month with a few pictures as well as this fabulous link. Take a peek and forward to our youth ,please.

Just a few words about how you too can come to the aid of our Country . As we face the worst economic crisis in our lifetime ,let us get busy being part of the solution and not just another part of the problem.
What can you do ?
First do some light reading on any one of these websites for "facts" not rhetoric out the problem and possible solutions.
2. Write your Senator asking them to support the President.

3. Open a discussion with your friends & neighbors at the Barber Shop,or
Beauty Parlor,let them know the facts and that you support our President.

4. Become politically active today; you can make a difference.

5.Come back to this blog often and leave feedback for our readers.
I want to say a word about our City Council ,as they have a great deal to do with how any $$$ the city of Jax. receives is spent.
Help keep a watchful eye on the bidding process they are attempting to skirt our protections. It can't just be about their friends while they spend our money.

You may view Jacksonville City Council site @
The full Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Citizens are encouraged to play an active role in their city government. You may obtain a Council Agenda in the Legislative Services Division in City Hall (Suite 430) on the Friday before a meeting.
See you back here again next week , if not before . Thank you for your interest, please try some of our recommended links .